12 Weeks of React (part 2)


This week I kept reading the docs sequentially, but skipped the parts that I found basic or am familiar with. As I progressed through the docs, I found more and more interesting bits of information. So I decided not to jump around and keep with the sequential approach.

TIL #1

It turns out that like DOM, there is also CSSOM, or CSS Object Model.

You probably used it without even knowing about it. For example, it's when you manipulate styles of a DOM element with JavaScript via it's style property.

But, if you try to read values via style, you won't get any if they were defined with CSS. For this you can use the window.getComputedStyle method to get the actual styles of an element.

React render tree

You won't see any HTML tags in the tree because it is composed only of React components.

This is indented behavior because React can be ran on multiple platforms, and the HTML tags could be some other platform specific primitives like UIView in iOS.

TIL #2

If you want to catch an event from a child, even if they stopped propagation, you can append Capture to the event handler.

TIL #3

You can use the inset CSS property as a shorthand for left: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; top: 0;


Changing local variables won't trigger a re-render.

Hooks rely on stable call order, this is why you must follow the lint rules for hooks.

In the following example, A and B will yield a different result

In A, the state will be incremented only by 1, but in B it will be incremented by 3.

This is because in A, each call to setCount is using the current count value, so if count === 0, then each call will actually be setCount(0 + 1).

In B on the other hand, we ask from React the current state, so in the first call if count === 0 we will get c as 0, on the second call as 1 (because we already incremented it once) and so on.

Imperative vs Declarative

Entering a taxi and telling the driver where to turn on each intersection is imperative. Entering a taxi and telling the driver the destination is declarative.